Buch1 > Functions, Uses, Concepts > Remote Configuration and Alternative Connection Options > Configuring ISDN System Phones via the PBX (Internal)
Configuring ISDN System Phones via the PBX (Internal)
PBX with internal ISDN system phones
Configuration port configured in the PBX for system phones (Administration > Configuration IP)
Internet connection
Installed COMfortel Set configuration software version 3.0, or later
Knowledge of the user, sub-admin or admin PIN
1.Start COMfortel Set.
2.Click Options > Interface....
3.Dial Interface > IP network, enter the IP address of the PBX and under IP port (Default: 7002) the configuration port for system phones on the PBX.
4.Click OK.
5.Click File > Open > Telephone.
6.Double-click the PBX symbol to display all connected system phones. Select the phone whose configuration you want to open and click OK.
7.Select the desired authority level.
8.Enter the associated PIN  and click OK.
9.Make the desired changes.
10.Click File > Save > File.
11.Select a memory location in the directory.
12.Enter a name for the *.cf2 file and click Save.
13.Click File > Save > Telephone.
14.Select desired phone and click OK.
15.Enter the associated PIN  and click OK.