This PBX supports the operation of the Auerswald COMfortel SoftPhone.
COMfortel SoftPhone
*Important: You need licences for the COMfortel SoftPhone. You can purchase these here:Auerswald Shop.
The COMfortel SoftPhone is a multi-platform client for Windows, Android and iOS.
The COMfortel SoftPhone is provisioned via the PBX.
The registration information for the COMfortel SoftPhone can be sent to the subscriber by e-mail.
Thanks to the proxy service, the COMfortel SoftPhone is also available on the smartphone regardless of the location. No VPN connection is needed.
*Further information on the COMfortel SoftPhone operation can be found in the COMfortel SoftPhone Operation Manual. You will find this in the Internet under: Auerswald Support/FONtevo Support.
*For more information on the proxy service via the Auerproxy server, please refer to the COMpact PBX data protection declaration. You will find this in the Internet under: Auerswald Support/FONtevo Support or here: Overviews > Privacy Statement.
Requirements for the transfer of e-mails
configured outgoing mail server
*Further help under E-mail
Configured DNS server and, if necessary, an HTTP proxy server
*Instructions of use are in DNS Configuration
*Instructions of use are in HTTP Proxy Configuration
Activate the proxy service to use the COMfortel SoftPhone.
Administration > VoIP configuration > Proxy server for COMfortel SoftPhones
Create and configure a new subscriber. COMfortel SoftPhone: Enter an e-mail address for the transmission of the registration information.
Subscriber (scr.) > Phone numbers > New
Device type: COMfortel SoftPhone
Send registration link
*Note:Softphones are very often not tied to a location and are therefore created by default without a location. The correctly assigned location is necessary, among other things, so that the PBX can properly initiate an emergency call.
*Further help under Emergency Calls
Install Softphone in the device.
*The installation file for the COMfortel SoftPhone can be found on the Internet at Auerswald Support/FONtevo Support. COMfortel SoftPhone Mobile: The clients are installed via the Google Play Store or Mac App Store.
Enter user name and password in the softphone.
*Note:The registration information for the COMfortel SoftPhone is emailed to the subscriber when the phone is set up. Sending can be restarted later (e.g. after changing the subscriber):
Subscriber (scr.) > Phone numbers > Configure > Basic Network Settings > change password > Send registration data again
*Note:The registration information can be copied here:
Password:Subscriber (scr.) > Features> select subscriber > Basic Network Settings > Edit PIN and password
SIP address:Subscriber (scr.) > Features> select subscriber > VoIP settings > SIP user name
The PBX supports softphones from other manufacturers (also called soft clients). These are listed as Standard VoIP phones. The functions may be restricted.