Configuring ISDN System Phones Remotely via the External S0 Port on the PBX (Externally)
•PBX with internal ISDN system phones
•In the PBX configured remote switching number for system phones and dealer access number (Administration > Configuration à distance
Note: If no dealer access number has been configured or the phone number transmitted does not correspond with the configured phone numbers, the PBX must be enabled via an internal phone using a digit sequence for remote configuration.
•An existing external ISDN connection between the PC and the PBX including the drivers
•Installed COMfortel Set configuration software version 3.0, or later
•Knowledge of the user, sub-admin or admin PIN
•Activation of the PBX immediately before remote configuration (see section Short Reference) if no dealer access number has been configured or the transmission of the configured numbers is not possible on the computer being used
1.Start COMfortel Set.
2.Click Options > Interface....
3.Select under Interface or ISDN controller (CAPI 2.0).
4.Click OK.
5.Click File > Open > Telephone.
6.Enter the remote switching number for system phones (including local city code and exchange line access number), and click OK.
7.Double-click the PBX symbol to display all connected system phones. Select desired phone and click OK.
8.Select the desired authority level.
9.Enter the associated PIN and click OK.
10.Make the desired changes.
11.Open the Configuration Manager of the IP phone.File > Save > File.
12.Select a memory location in the directory.
13.Enter a name for the *.cf2 file and click Save.
14.Click File > Save > Telephone.
15.Select desired phone and click OK.
16.Enter the associated PIN and click OK.