SFTP Server
Proceed as follows:
•Using the Configuration Manager (Administration > Configuration IP)
Serveur SFTP
The SFTP network protocol is used for the secure data transfer between the PBX and external programmes. For this purpose, the PBX uses an SFTP server from which call data files can be downloaded.
Enable the SFTP server if you want to forward this file to external programmes (e.g. evaluation programmes).
A password is required.
8 to 32 digits:
•Digits: 0- 9
•Characters: a- z, A- Z, no German umlauts and ß
•Special characters - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) & = + $ ,
Note: To change current passwords, click on
Éditer les mots de passe.
Note: For registering at the SFTP server of the PBX an external programme requires the user name and password. The user name is predefined
netstorage and displayed under
Nom d’utilisateur.
Note: A coloured bar under the entry field shows the security level of the password (red = low level, green = high level).
Note: Passwords with a low security level can not be saved.
Caution: A high level does not necessarily indicate a secure password as this can also be reached by entering names and birth dates in connection with special characters. However, names and birth dates should not be used as passwords.
Caution: Visible passwords are a security risk.
•After entering, click
Attribuer les mots de passe.