If the PBX function alarm is used in case of an alarm, internal and external phones can be called and sirens can be switched on.
The alarm sequence can be as follows:
• Alarm detection via a switch input (optional, see Technical Data in the Instructions) or via an internal call.
• The set alarm delay time is running (0-99 seconds).
• Non-recurring start of for example a siren via a relay/actuator (optional, see Technical Data in the Instructions).
• At the same time, the first alarm call run starts (alarm calls to the alarm subscribers) by calling the first alarm subscriber for approx. 60 seconds. Internal alarm subscribers are called with a special ringtone (phone-dependent). After picking up the receiver, you repeatedly hear an alarm announcement stored in the PBX. The called party must acknowledge the alarm call within 60 seconds by sending the DTMF number 0.
• If the called party does not acknowledge the alarm call, the next alarm subscriber is called a few seconds after the first call is finished. And so on....
• If all the alarm subscribers have been called without receiving an acknowledgement, the alarm loop is repeated after a configurable alarm waiting period (0-99 seconds) has elapsed (up to 9 times).
• The alarm is terminated (and relays assigned to the alarm are switched off) as soon as one of the alarm subscriber acknowledges the alarm. If the alarm input has been configured to une fois, it is disabled afterwards. If the alarm input has been configured to Toujours, it is enabled again and a new alarm can be triggered.
Proceed as follows for configuration:
• Creating an alarm with an internal number.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > Alarmes)
Note: An authorisation for triggering an alarm is required for the corresponding subscriber (page
Abonnés (Abo) > Numéros de téléphone > Configurer > Droits > Commutation des relais et des alarmes).
• Creating a switch input and assigning it to the alarm.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > Alarmes)
• Creating a relais and assigning it to the alarm.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > Alarmes)
• Managing and assigning audio files for announcements.
-Using the Configuration Manager (on the following pages)
-Fonctions > Music on Hold and Announcements > Gestion des fichiers
-Fonctions > Musique d’attente/Annonces > Affectation des fichiers > Music on Hold/Alarm
-Using a character string on the internal phone (see
• Configuring alarms.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > Alarmes > Configurer)
• Activating alarms.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > Alarmes)
-Using a character string on the internal or external phone (see