Exchange Line Request
The PBX distinguishes three types of exchange line requests:
Poste interne: The user has to dial an external number with preceding exchange line access number.
Poste directement raccordé à la ligne principale: For an external number no prefix is required. However, the user has to dial an internal number with preceding **.
Indicatif automatique (factory setting): Neither for the internal nor for the external number a prefix is required (exception: ** for targeted VoIP access). The PBX automatically distinguishes between internal and external numbers with the adjustment of the dialled phone number and the internal numbering plan:
• If the phone number is contained in the phone numbering list, the PBX establishes an internal connection.
• If the phone number is not contained in the phone numbering list, the PBX establishes an external connection.
Note: The short code number is a part of the internal numbering plan and is therefore an internal number. However it leads to an external connection.
Note: In order that the distinction between internal numbers and phone numbers in the local area network functions, the internal numbering plan must not contain phone numbers that also occur within the local area network. To avoid conflicts, phone numbers of the local area network should always be dialled with local area code.
Note: Also when the entered phone number correspond with the internal phone numbering plan, the PBX waits up to 4 seconds for whether additional digits for an external number are being entered, before it dials the internal phone number. To avoid waiting time, you can subsequently enter #. The PBX therefore recognises the input as finished and instantly starts dialling.
Note: In factory settings, the system-wide automatic exchange line request (for all subscribers) is switched on. Alternatively, the exchange line request type can be set separately for each subscriber. In this case, the automatic exchange line request can only be selected for IP DECT phones, COMfortel 1200 IP and COMfortel C-400. For all other subscribers, only direct exchange line phone and internal phone can be selected.
Proceed as follows for configuration:
• Making settings for exchange line request.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Réseaux publics > Indicatif)
• Making settings for exchange line request separately for subscribers.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Abonnés (Abo) > Propriétés > Paramètres > Fonctions spéciales)
Note: This setting is only visible, if
Indicatif automatique au niveau du système is disabled