Restore Firmware (Reboot)
Proceed as follows:
Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > Firmwareupdate/restart)
To restore firmware, to restart and (only COMmander 6000/R/RX) to power down the PBX: By clicking a button on the PBX
Restore firmware
Firmware update carried out
The PBX retains not only the current firmware but also the firmware previously used in the flash memory. If necessary, the old firmware can be restored.
* Caution: The PBX reboots automatically after you restore the previous firmware. This interrupts all the connections with the web server, all the calls and the data services. Unsaved data gets lost!
* Note: The previous firmware will only be retained in the flash memory for four weeks. After four weeks, the previous firmware will be overwritten by the current firmware to prevent the restoration of obsolete data.