Transfer and Callback
The PBX requires specifications for the transfer and the callback option for external callers to be executed as desired.
Proceed as follows for configuration:
• Configuring hook flash timing.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Abonnés (Abo) > Propriétés > Paramètres analogiques)
• If necessary, switching the authorisation for external call transfer externally on.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Abonnés (Abo) > Propriétés > Droits)
• Configuring sufficient exchange line authorisations for the involved internal subscribers.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Abonnés (Abo) > Propriétés > Paramètres de ligne)
Note: The transferring subscriber needs a sufficient exchange line authorisation for making external calls.
• Configuring the maximum duration of transferred calls (external to external).
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Abonnés (Abo) > Tous les abonnés)
• Switching the CCBS and CCNR option for external callers on.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Réseaux publics > RNIS > Numéro Principal d’abonnement/Faisceau (NDI) > Configurer)