General Info
Indicatif international
International phone prefix (e. g. 0044 for the UK) for which the account's VoIP provider has provided the phone numbers.
Note: Land line connection prefixes are configured separately (
Réseaux publics > Indicatif).
Indicatif régional
Phone number prefix (e. g. 0208 for Greater London) for which the account's VoIP provider has provided the phone numbers.
Note: If there is no fixed digit sequence as the area code at the installation location of the PBX, no entry is required here.
The selection of the dial level (Location, National, International) is country-specific. Depending on the country and the settings for the local area code above, a dial level must be selected (example: In Belgium, local area codes do not exist. Here, the dial level Emplacement must not be selected).