Settings Action URL (HTTP Request)
Proceed as follows:
• Separately for Action URLs
• Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > URL d’action > Configurer)
• Configured Action URL
Configuration de l’URL d’action
Select the alarm you want to configure.
Nom d’utilisateur
Enter the device‘s username that shall be reached via the Action URL.
Mot de passe
Enter the password that belongs to the username.
Response required
If the function is enabled, the PBX waits for a feedback of the receiving device after having sent the Action URL and displays a corresponding message about the correct or incorrect sending (under Monitoring > System messages). Therefore, activating this function is generally recommended.
Note: The command to be executed in the Action URL must be correctly understood by the receiving device, also in order to give according feedback. This should always be controlled when configuring an Action URL.
If the SIP port of the internal VoIP registrar is modified, the internal SIPS port of the internal VoIP registrar is also changed automatically. A message concerning the Action URL that was sent is displayed by the PBX.