Administrator Access
Proceed as follows:
Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > Dealer and operator data)
Administrator access > Change
Knowledge of the current admin password
The user data for the administrator access are used for administrator registration on the PBX.
* Note: Changes at the administrator access are only possible with an encrypted HTTPS connection.
* Note: After a change, a new regisration is required.
Admin user name
Consists of up to 32 characters containing digits, letters (upper and lower case, but no umlauts and ß).
Change admin PIN
Enables the input option (6 characters (digits)) for Admin PIN and Repeat admin PIN (e. g. for access to COMfortel Set).
* Note: All PINs in the PBX are unambiguous. Therefore, you cannot assign the same PIN twice.
* Note: Avoid using PINs that can easily be found out (e. g. birthdays, specific dates, 123456, etc.)
Change admin password
Enables the input option Admin password and Repeat admin password (8-32 characters containing digits, letters (upper and lower case, but no umlauts and ß), special characters - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) & = + $ ,).
* Note: A coloured bar under the entry field shows the security level of the password (red = low level, green = high level).
* Note: Passwords with a low security level cannot be saved.
* Caution: A high level does not necessarily indicate a secure password as this can also be reached by entering names and birth dates in connection with special characters. However, names and birth dates should not be used as passwords.
To create a secure password you can consult, for example, the guidelines of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI, in German).
Please confirm your changes with the current admin password
Protection against unauthorised changes.