Configuring Loudspeaker Announcements
Proceed as follows:
• Using the Configuration Manager (page Devices > Device wizard > Configure)
In order to make loudspeaker announcements, a device that can be used as announcement output (e. g. an a/b-Audiobox at a loudspeaker system) must be connected to the PBX. This announcement output must be created in the configuration of the PBX and assigned an internal number to call it.
The announcement output can be created with the device wizard. Various devices supported by the PBX that can be used as announcement output are available as device templates for this purpose. Their factory settings already include several default values for operation of the announcement outputs.
If no of the device templates on offer matches your installation, you can select a user-defined device template.
If you use the announcement output of a COMmander 2TSM (R) module, the announcement output is created when configuring the module (see
2TSM Module).
Phone number
This is an internal number. You can select any of the numbers in the internal supply of phone numbers. This number can be called directly by an internal subscriber. (Entry on page Devices > Device wizard)
Note: A number cannot be allocated twice.
Note: Using numbers with few digits (two- or three-digit numbers) inevitably restricts the possible supply of numbers that require more digits. For example, if the phone number 12 is assigned, the phone numbers 120 to 129 and 1200 to 1299 are no longer available.
Note: The default exchange line access number on the PBX is 0 in the factory settings. However, this can be changed. Note that changing the exchange line access number restricts the phone numbering plan.
Relay X, Name
Enter the names of the relays.