Phoning > Incoming Calls > Taking over a Call (Pick-up)
Taking over a Call (Pick-up)
Using Pick-up, you can take a call on your own phone that was originally sent to another internal phone.
Proceed as follows:
Using a character string on the internal phone
Using the menu/function key on a system phone (optional, see the phone manual)

Authorisation Pick-up assigned to the subscriber
To pick up an external call: Exchange line authorisation assigned to the subscriber for incoming calls (International, National, City or only incoming, with emergency call)

If an internal phone rings, proceed as follows:
1.Pick up the receiver of your phone.
* Note: During an existing call press the Flash key or the Query key.
2.Dial ##06.
3.Enter the internal number of the phone that is ringing. Possible entries:
Internal number of the individual phone (for exchange line request type Direct exchange line phone: with preceding **)
Internal number of the group (for exchange line request type Direct exchange line phone: with preceding **)