Provisioning Files
Provisioning files contain configurations for phones. For Auerswald/FONtevo IP phones, these provisioning files are *.xml files, built after a defined scheme. They contain e.g. account, provider or function key information in an *.xml file.
A provisioning file that was not generated in the PBX (e.g. via a backup), is typically applicable for only one subscriber, as the file contains personal data such as account information. Provisioning data is user-specific if they contain at least username and password of the subscriber at the VoIP account.
A provisioning file can also be generated from a standard provisioning file by saving it under a different file name.
You will find more information about provisioning files on the Internet (see
Auerswald Service Portal under
Provisioning templates
Provisioning templates are a specific form of provisioning files. A provisioning file can be saved and selected in the PBX. If an IP phone requests a provisioning, the PBX replaces the user-specific data of the provisioning file or rather the template with suitable data content for the current subscriber. A provisioning template can be assigned to several subscribers.
Standard Provisioning Files
The standard provisioning file is a specific provisioning template type and only contains the basic structure of a provisioning file. The file cannot be deleted or exported, A standard provisioning file can be saved under a different file name and afterwards be edited. Saved under a different file name, it is a provisioning file.
Header Files
Header files do not contain configuration data but refer to one or more provisioning files which contain configuration data. Header files contain a list of URLs which are processed in order.Provisioning files can neither be provided by the PBX or by an external server. A combination of both variants is permitted. The header file is the file that the phone must read first. It can contain references to sub files. Any files can be imported, however, Auerswald/FONtevo IP phones only support *.xml files.
Note: For the COMfortel WS-500 device type, the use of a header file is not possible.
You will find further information about header files on the Internet (see
Auerswald Service Portal under
Variables as placeholder
Variables for the parameters to be provisioned are created as placeholders in the configuration files provided by the manufacturer.
Provisioning examines a file to be delivered to the phone. The recognised variable names are replaced by the values from the PBX configuration. The changed file is then sent to the device to be provisioned.