Configuration Options
Aside from configuration via the internal network, there is also the option of remote configuration via the Internet as well as configuring alternative connection options under certain conditions.
The connected system phones can also be configured over the PBX under certain conditions.
You can use the following connection options to configure (either remotely or directly) the PBX and the ISDN system phones connected to it:
Configuring the PBX via the internal network
The PBX is usually configured via an internal network connection. Your PC must be connected to the same network as the PBX
Remote configuration of the PBX via the Internet with (Auerswald) Remote Access Server
Remote configuration of the PBX can be accessed via the page on the Internet. This requires a dealer access via the Internet and enabling of the (Auerswald) Remote Access
Remote configuration of the PBX via the Internet without (Auerswald) Remote Access Server
You can also configure the PBX remotely via an internet connection (DSL). This requires a fixed external IP address. Alternatively, you can use VPN or DynDNS. The router on the PBX's network must be configured accordingly.
Configuration of internal ISDN system phones via the PBX (internal)
You can configure internal ISDN system phones via an indirect connection using the PBX. Before you can do this, you must install the ISDN system phone's COMfortel Set configuration software on the PC you are going to use.
Remote configuration of internal ISDN system phones via an external S0 port of the PBX
You can remotely configure the ISDN system phone indirectly via an external ISDN connection using the PBX and a device which is connected to both the external S0 port on the PBX and to the PC (for example ISDN PC controller). The PBX must be configured accordingly. Before you can do this, you must install the ISDN system phone's configuration software on the PC you are going to use.