GSM Gateway
A GSM gateway can be connected to an external port on the PBX. This allows direct access to be configured on the world-wide GSM network (Global System for Mobile Communications).
Note: GSM gateways take external calls automatically. When this is done, costs may be charged to the caller, even if nobody takes the call on the internal destination side.
Note: LCR ist not available for an external port connected to a GSM gateway.
Note: If the PBX has no connection to the fixed network, outgoing external calls can only be initiated via a targeted exchange line access using the phone numbers (and the corresponding configured access) entered on the page
Routing > VoIP/GSM routing > Exception numbers or via a configured preferred exchange line (
Exchange line settings for subscribers or groups).
Proceed as follows for configuration:
• Switching GSM at the external connection on and entering the freely selectable phone number.
-Using the Configuration Manager (on the following pages)
-Public switched tel. networks > ISDN > PTMP connection
-Public switched tel. networks > ISDN > PBX base numbers/trunk bundles > Configure
• Entering the connection type on the ISDN connection and the phone number.
-In the GSM gateway configuration (see manual of the GSM gateway)