Modem/Fax Call Distribution
Proceed as follows:
Separately for configurations
Separately for external connections
Using the Configuration Manager (page Public switched tel. networks > Call distribution)
Select the connections to be displayed/configured.
Configured connection type analogue connections
If the active modem/fax call distribution is enabled, the PBX automatically accepts every external call to the corresponding phone number. Using the dial tones, it attempts to determine whether the incoming call is from a fax machine or from a modem. If the corresponding dial tones are identified within the detection time frame configured, the call is forwarded to the selected internal number (subscriber, group, voice mail/fax box).
No detection
There is no automatic modem/fax call distribution.
The active fax call distribution is enabled.
Fax and modem
The active modem/fax call distribution is enabled.
Configured connection type analogue connections
An external call is transferred to an internal subscriber via the normal call distribution. If the user accepts the call and ends it within the configured detection time frame, the call is automatically transferred to the internal destination selected in the last column (subscriber, group, fax box).
* Note: If you have selected the option Fax or Fax and modem in the Active list field, the setting for the Passive check box will be ignored and active modem/fax call distribution will be enabled.
* Note: The setting in the Detection duration list field is not relevant for passive modem/fax call distribution.
Detection duration
Configured connection type analogue connections
Time interval in seconds that the PBX has for making the identification of fax or modem.
Internal no. | name
Configured connection type analogue connections
The caller is transferred to the fallback function.
Internal number: The caller will be transferred to the selected internal number (subscriber, group, fax box.
Delayed fallback after
Selected fallback number (see fallback)
All calls which have not been answered will be redirected after the configured time.
* Note: The fallback time is the addition of the longest waiting time for the Call Forwarding on no reply and the seconds configured in after:. The longest waiting time will be determined by a comparison of the Delay time for CF on no reply in the PBX and the Delay time for CF on no reply.
Linear call distribution (external = internal)
Configured connection type PTP connection
A 1:1 assignment for the extensions is made automatically for internal numbers and external extensions that are matching the extensions block.