Remote Backup
Address of the backup server
Address of the server on which created backups are stored.
*Note: If available for the PBX, the Auerswald backup server is displayed here. If you want to use the Auerswald backup server, please contact your dealer or system partner.
*Further help under Backup
Automatically generated, freely changeable password. Used to store a backup in a protected manner.
*Note: To change the current password, click on Edit passwords. After you have entered your PIN or password, click on Hide passwords.
*Caution: The backup can only be restored with knowledge of the associated password. If the password has been changed or deleted since the backup was created, the corresponding password must be entered to restore it. For this purpose, store the password in a safe place outside the PBX.
*Further help under Backup
Create backup
If a backup is created, the current configuration data is saved in a configuration file on an external server. The configuration files are archived with information about the time and date they were created.
*Further help under Backup
Interval for automatic backups
Backups are not created automatically.
Automatic backups are created regularly after the set interval.
*Note: The time at which automatic backups are created depends on when the function is switched on. A subsequent change of the interval does not change the set time.
*Further help under Backup
Last periodic backup
Display of the time at which the last backup was automatically created.
*Further help under Backup
Next periodic backup
Display of the time period at which the next backup is automatically created.
*Further help under Backup
Backups | Restoring
Restores the configuration data of the selected backup. The PBX restarts.
*Important: Restoring an old configuration overwrites the current configuration data.
*Note: A configuration file that was created with an older firmware version, may possibly not contain all of the configuration data (for example, data for new functions that were added by a firmware update).
Backups | Delete selected backup
Deletes the selected backup from the server.
*Further help under Backup
Network settings
The network settings will also be restored.
The network settings include the following data:
IP configuration (DHCP client setting, IP address, Sub-network mask, Gateway)
DNS configuration (First DNS server, Second DNS server)
HTTP proxy configuration (HTTP proxy settings)
Port of the web server
*Further help under Backup