Outgoing mail server
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)
Select the outgoing mail server to be displayed/configured.
Default outgoing mail server
The selected outgoing mail server is used as default.
Note: The outgoing mail server first configured in the PBX is automatically switched on. To switch on another outgoing mail server, the currently switched on outgoing mail server must first be switched off.
Freely selectable name. This name is used to identify the outgoing mail server within the PBX and from connected phones.
Enter the address of the outgoing mail server:
IPv4 address
Four blocks separated by a dot (.).
IPv6 address
Eight blocks separated by a colon (:).
Port (1..65535)
•Knowledge of the access data for the outgoing mail server
Enter the port number of the outgoing mail server between 1 up to 65535. You can obtain the port number from your e-mail provider or read it up in the Internet.
User name
•Enabled authentication
Enter the user name. In the most cases, this is your e-mail address.
•Enabled authentication
Enter the password that belongs to the user name.
Important: Space and the following special characters are currently not supported:
! @ # $ % ^ &Sender
Enter the address of the e-mail sender. It is used to display it to the recipient of the e-mails.
Creates a new entry.
Deletes the entries marked in the list.