VoIP Door Terminals
Phone number
Internal number, freely selectable from the numbers in the internal supply of phone numbers. This number can be called directly by an internal user. When put together with the numbers of the door bell buttons, this creates 3 to 4-digit phone numbers.
SIP password
SIP password required by the connected device.
IP address
Enter the IP address required by the connected device. Possible entries: IP address with a range of 0 to 255 (example:
Enter the port required by the connected device. Possible entries: 1 to 65535.
User name
Enter the user name (authentication data to control the relays).
Password (authentication data to control the relays).
Relays | Name
Name of the relay as under Relays (actuators).
Operating mode
Displays the selected operating mode.
Switch input | Name
Enter the names of the relays and switch inputs.
Destination number
Select or enter the required call destination (external number, internal number of the individual phone, internal number of the group).
SIP invite
Enter the SIP invites which the connected door terminal uses as signal. (Possible entries: Digits and the characters * and #).
The dialogue for the configuration is closed, already created data is discarded.
The dialogue for the configuration is closed, already created data is saved.
Displays further entry fields for configuring additional parameters.