Help > Using the web interface > Exchange lines > Providers and Accounts > Provider > Evaluation of incoming SIP messages
Evaluation of incoming SIP messages
Select the provider to be displayed/configured.
*Further help under VoIP telephony
Internationalise unknown phone numbers
If phone numbers that are not in the standard canonical format are received: (e.g. +495306… or 00495306…), they are converted into this format.
*Further help under VoIP telephony
Evaluate Connected Party Number (COPN)
Enabling this function prevents that a direct callback fails due to an incorrect depiction of the phone number when the call is answered.
*Further help under VoIP telephony
Set prefix for the phone number
Sets a prefix for the country code before the phone number (maximum 10 characters).
*Further help under VoIP telephony
Source for called number
Selects an analysis type for phone numbers which will work for most providers.
Request Line
Forces the phone number to be evaluated using the Request Line.
To Header
Forces the phone number to be evaluated using the To Header.
*Further help under VoIP telephony
Analysis type
Selects an analysis type for phone numbers which will work for most providers.
In accordance with RFC3325
Selects the phone number to be evaluated in accordance with RFC 3325 (RFC3325). This method of evaluating telephone numbers is used if the number presentation is guaranteed by security mechanisms.
User-defined | Network-provided number
Network-proofed incoming phone number: The phone number to be evaluated is searched in the invite according to the configured order.
User-defined | User-provided number
Unproofed incoming phone number (corresponds to CLIP no screening): The phone number to be evaluated is searched in the invite according to the configured order. Optional: is not transferred by all providers.
User-defined | User-provided name
Caller's name in plain text. Optional: is not transferred by all providers.
Default (using the From Header as a Screened Number)
Selects an analysis type for phone numbers which will work for most providers. The user provided number (unscreened number, corresponds to CLIP no screening) in the From header is transferred to the network provided number (screened number). The phone numbers can be used, for example, for Call Through via VoIP.
*Caution: As soon as you have enabled this option, your telephone and PBX are open to attacks such as the transfer of manipulated phone numbers. The phone numbers of incoming calls listed in the call data list usually need to be converted before they can be used for callbacks.
*Further help under VoIP telephony