Contact Groups
Freely selectable name. This name is used to identify the group within the PBX.
These contact groups will only be transferred to the LDAP server and therefore to the IP end devices, if the system-wide automatic exchange line request is enabled.
*Further help under Contacts/LDAP
The type is selected during creation. A subsequent change is not possible.
Allows free assignment of contacts created manually, taken from the call data list or imported via vCard or CSV.
Allows synchronisation with a Google account.
*Further help under Contacts/LDAP
Contacts (Stored/ )
Specifies how many contacts are existing in the contact group.
*Further help under Contacts/LDAP
Contacts ( /Maximum)
Specifies how many contacts could be existing in the contact group at maximum.
*Further help under Contacts/LDAP
Freely selectable password.
The user name resulting from the name of the contact group along with the associated password is needed for authentification of IP end devices on the LDAP server so that they have (only read) access to the contact data for this contact group.
*Note: To change the current password, click on Edit passwords. After you have entered your PIN or password, click on Hide passwords.
*Further help under Contacts/LDAP
Last synchronisation
Displays the time on which the Google contact group was last synchronised with the Google account's contact data, either automatically or manually.
*Further help under Contacts/LDAP
Opens various options for the Google contact group.
Opens the configuration of the Google contact group.
*Details about settings under Configure Google contact group
*Note: If Google authentication has not yet been carried out, call up the required dialogue here.
*Details about settings under Authenticate Google contact group
Manual synchronisation
Starts the manual synchronisation of the Google contact group.
*Further help under Contacts/LDAP
Creates a new contact group.
The type is selected during creation. A subsequent change is not possible.
Allows free assignment of contacts created manually, taken from the call data list or imported via vCard or CSV.
Allows synchronisation with a Google account.
*Note: When the Google contact group is selected, Google authentication starts.
*Details about settings under Authenticate Google contact group
*Further help under Contacts/LDAP
Deletes the entries marked in the list.