A second network interface can be configured in the PBX. Accordingly, two IADs (Integrated Access Devices) can be directly connected to the PBX and configured. Requirement:
•COMtrexx Business: Upgrade with a NET-Modul
•COMtrexx Flex: Upgrade with a COMtrexx Flex GbE NET Module
•COMtrexx VM: Installation of a second network adapter/card
The following scenarios for using two network interfaces are possible:
External VoIP telephony completely on LAN connection 2
•At the connections LAN 1 and LAN 2, an IAD is connected in each case.
•The internal VoIP telephony and Internet connection are realised via LAN 1.
•The external VoIP telephony is realised via LAN 2. There is no Internet connection at LAN 2.
Single VoIP providers separately on the LAN 2 connection
•At the connections LAN 1 and LAN 2, an IAD is connected in each case.
•The VoIP telephony and Internet connection are realised via LAN 1.
•The external VoIP telephony with single VoIP providers is realised via LAN 2.
Important: Scenarios with internal VoIP telephony on LAN 2 are only possible to a limited extent, as the COMfortel SoftPhone is currently only supported on LAN 1.
•Configuring IP settings for the second network interface.
−Administration > Network > IP configuration > LAN2
•Configuring IAD.
−Administration > Network > Gateways and routing > Internet Gateways
•Selecting the used Internet access for the VoIP provider.
−Exchange lines > Providers and Accounts > > SIP
•Selecting network interface of the VoIP registrar.