Overview of Functions
The PBX provides voice mail and fax boxes. The number of available boxes and the voice mail and fax channels for them depends on the product variant of the COMtrexx.
*Further help under COMtrexx hardware variants
*Further help under COMtrexx VM variants
The messages are managed separately for voice mail an fax boxes under User data > Messages.
Voice mail and fax messages can be forwarded as e-mail.
*Further help under E-mail
The following is stored on the COMtrexx memory:
Incoming voice messages
Incoming faxes
Announcements for the voice mailboxes
Language files
The type of storage medium depends on the product variant of the COMtrexx.
*Further help under COMtrexx hardware variants
*Further help under COMtrexx VM variants
Making basic settings for the storage management.
Voice mail and fax boxes > Basic Settings > Basic settings for all voice mail and fax boxes