Help > Functions and applications > Number presentation
Number presentation
The number presentation outgoing defines which phone number is presented to the called person on an outgoing call. This is determined in the exchange line routing. Using the CLIP no screening function (availability on the account provided) allows a free assignment of the phone number to be transferred independently from the used connection.
*Further help under Exchange line routing
The setting can be overridden by the individual setting Transmit the own number of the user/group.
The number presentation incoming defines which phone number is presented to the caller on an incoming call. This number may be different than the number actually dialled by the caller.
The internal number presentation on group calls defines which phone number is presented when a user makes an internal call as group member.
If required, making settings about the format of the transferred phone number separately for the provider.
Exchange lines > Providers and Accounts > > Number presentation (outgoing)
Configuring number presentation incoming separately for accounts.
Exchange lines > Providers and Accounts > > Phone numbers
If required, activating CLIP no screening separately for accounts.
Exchange lines > Providers and Accounts > > Miscellaneous
Configuring number presentation outgoing separately for users.
User > Phone numbers > > Configure > Exchange line settings
Configuring number presentation outgoing configuration-dependent/time-controlled.
User > Profiles > > Exchange line settings
Configuring number presentation outgoing separately for groups.
Groups > Phone numbers > > Exchange line settings
Configuring number presentation outgoing configuration-dependent/time-controlled.
Groups > Profiles > > Exchange line settings
Configuring number presentation internal separately for groups.
Groups > Phone numbers > > Settings
Configuring number presentation internal configuration-dependent/time-controlled.
Groups > Profiles > > Settings