Configuration Switchover
Some functions can, e.g. be configured differently according to the day, night, weekend, vacation or holidays. They are also assigned to different configurations and switched depending on the configuration.
The following functions are configuration-dependent:
•Profile assignment for subscriber (and with it e.g.: exchange line authorisation, phone number presentation and subscriber call forwarding)
•Profile assignment for groups (and with it e.g.: announcement before answering, exchange line authorisation, phone number presentation and group call forwarding)
•Profile assignment for Voice mail and fax boxes (and with it e.g.: readiness)
•Fallback options of the external ports (Fallback number and delayed fallback)
•Call distribution and door terminal distribution
•Relay settings in the configuration dependent mode
•VoIP and GSM Routing
•Call forwarding for external number
•Power save mode of the system phones (optional, see the phone manual)
Switching over from one configuration to another can be carried out in two different manners:
•time controlled (automatic configuration switchover)
For situations where your settings are supposed to apply even after configuration switchovers, you can use the so-called permanent configuration. If permanent configuration is enabled, the configuration-dependent settings will be overridden by the permanent configuration settings.
The following functions can use the permanent configuration:
•Call forwarding of one's own external number (CF for MSNs, DDI numbers, or additional numbers)
•Readiness of the Voice mail and fax boxes
Important: Public holidays are treated separately when switching configurations. A public holiday here does not correspond to a Sunday. After the public holiday ends, the configuration that was enabled before the public holiday began will automatically be used again.
Configuration procedure:
•Creating sonfigurations.
−Using the Configuration Manager: Time control > Configurations
•Making settings configuration dependent.
−Using the Configuration Manager (on the following pages):
−Public switched tel. networks > Call distribution
−Public switched tel. networks > Call forwarding
−Subscriber (scr.) > Profiles
−Devices > Voice mail and fax boxes > Profiles
−Devices > Door terminals
−Devices > Relays (actuators)
−Routing > VoIP and GSM Routing > Routing configuration-dependent
•Switching the authorisation for configuration switching for the involved internal phones on.
−Using the Configuration Manager: Subscriber (scr.) > Properties > Authorisations
•Switching configuration on.
−Using the Configuration Manager: Time control > Configurations
−Using the menu/function key on a system phone (optional, see the phone manual)
Proceed as follows for additional configuration of the automatic configuration switchover:
•Switching automatic configuration switchover on/off.
−Using the Configuration Manager: Time control > Configurations
−Using a character string on the internal or external phone (see
−Using the menu/function key on a system phone (optional, see the phone manual under Relay)
Note: Using a phone switch the system relay with operation mode automatic configuration switchover and the Identification number 900 (factory settings).
•Creating switching times for automatic configuration switchover.
−Using the Configuration Manager: Time control > Switching times
Proceed as follows for additional configuration of the permanent configuration:
•Configuring the permanent configuration.
−Using the Configuration Manager (on the following pages):
−Public switched tel. networks > Call forwarding
−Devices > Voice mail and fax boxes > Properties > Call acceptance/announcement
Note: The permanent configuration for CF and the voice mailboxes/fax boxes are set independent of each other and do not depend on each other.