Information on Release 8.6
New or revised features published with this release are listed here.
Provisioning files for D-Series and WS-Series
Pre-installed provisioning files are now available for the D-Series and WS-Series.
Configurable exchange line replacement tone
An alternative can now be configured for the exchange line replacement tone if the previous exchange line replacement tone is perceived as annoying.
Further help under
RTPNAT traversal
NAT traversal has received new additional settings.
Further help under
SIPSynchronisation with a Google account
Improved security when synchronising with a Google account. For certain requests when synchronising with a Google account, the PBX now requires access to the Auerproxy server. Make sure that the address and port are reachable. Make sure that the address and port are reachable.
Public holidays during configuration switchover
Public holidays play a special role when switching configurations.
Macro speed dial number with suffix
Macro speed dial numbers with suffix dialling may have problems with the length check. Note added.
COMfortel WS-IP handsets for address books/contact group authorisations
Note on COMfortel WS-IP handsets added.